Middletown Common Council member David Bauer has issued a formal complaint against the city for what he calls "an illegal junkyard for trucks, cars and other items" at 297 Butternut St.
Here is the entire text of Bauer's complaint:
David P. Bauer, Member Common Council City of Middletown 245 deKoven Drive Middletown, CT 06457 May 12, 2008 To: Robert M. Ward, Commissioner of Department of Motor Vehicles Gina McCarthy, Commissioner of Department of Environmental Protection Lynn Baldoni, Chief of Middletown Police Department I wish to register a formal complaint about an illegal junkyard for trucks, cars, and other items located on Property owned by the City of Middletown. The property in question is: 297 Butternut Street ( MBL 23 23-10 12 ) – also known as Butternut Hollow Park Other private properties that may possibly be related are: 66 Thomas Street ( MBL 23 23-10 11C ) – also known as Jukonski Truck Sales & Services 221 Butternut Street ( MBL 23-10 12A ) – private residence of Henry Jukonski I believe that there is the strong likelihood of collusion between Public Officials of the City of Middletown and private individuals to operate an undocumented junkyard, not for the benefit of the Public. I ask you to investigate the possible civil and criminal infractions of this junkyard and I further request that the Middletown Police Department secure and document the junkyard sited at 297 Butternut Street until an appropriate investigation can be concluded.
The state Department of Environmental Protection has already responded with the following:
This has been logged as DEP/WEED complaint number 08-111. It will be assigned within the solid waste enforcement program for evaluation and follow-up pursuant to our standard procedures. Comments and/or additional information can be coordinated through Frank Gagliardo, supervisor for the solid waste enforcement program at (860) 424-3130.
- Robert Isner
More photos to follow. My apologies for relying on Google Earth twice this morning.
1 comment:
More photos to follow. My apologies for relying on Google Earth twice this morning.
Try out the Bird's Eye view in Virtual Earth for better resolution.
--Pete T.
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