Sunday, February 10, 2008

Rise up singing

Fashion week has just ended in New York, so, the Times is following the obvious post-fashion-week trend - large group singalongs.

Yes. that's Sally Rogers leading a group sing in a photo taken in Michigan. And yes, singalongs, or mostly folk songs, has suddenly grown in favor again.

If you like to sing, and aren't one of the 800,000 or so who own a copy of the marvelous, Rise Up Singing, you need to get a copy. It's a book, that time and again answers the question, "How's that old song go?" The Times ladles glory on Peter Blood and Annie Patterson for putting the book together and keeping it in circulation.

You won't find songs much past the sixties in the book, but whether it's South Australia, or If I Only Had a Brain, you'll find all the lyrics and easily manageable chords.

Having been to a few singalongs where this book has been the central reference, I can only commend it. It's corny, but righteous.

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