Sunday, November 18, 2007

Dodd delivers the punchline

Chris Dodd is rolling around Iowa to tiny receptions, giving stump speeches, and firing some amazing rejoinders that, unfortunately, only these guys are reporting.

There's a lot being said about Dodd's temporary residence in Iowa (the same conservative crybabies who are making these claims, had nary a word to say when Creepy Joe Lieberman made his run for the presidency, and the Veep), and his quixotic tilt at the presidential windmill, but as these columnists say, Iowa holds surprises.

Of the longshot candidates, I'd truly rather see Dennis Kucinich pull off the surprise. But give me Dodd any day over any of the rest.

1 comment:

Extraordinary Relationship Coaching said...

I sure am glad you can still type after your incident with the knife. Must be loud though as you bang on the keys with your new metal finger. Hope your healing well.