Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Cal, one can only hope it does kill his career, and yours

Cal Thomas, the columnist, is calling Creepy Joe Lieberman a patriot.

So be it.

In the past he has also said: The narrow primary defeat of veteran senator Joe Lieberman in Connecticut’s Democratic primary is more than a loss for one man. It is a loss for his party and for the country. It completes the capture of the Democratic Party by its Taliban wing.

And about Hillary Clinton, he's said: This is a politician speaking, not a person who believes in the central tenets of Christianity.

And about the victory of Jim Webb over incumbent Senator George "macaca" Allen: It again exposed an unholy alliance between liberal politicians and the leftist big media who are quick to attack someone whose policies and party they don't like, but rarely correct errors of their own making, or investigate bogus charges when they help the policies and party the media prefer.

So, Creepy Joe Lieberman as patriot?

Cal Thomas is no Sam Johnson, and Sam Johnson wrote "Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel."

You may judge for yourself, but I think Sam Johnson got it right.

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