Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Addicted to himself

George Bush is obviously intoxicated by the perception of his own power. He has, by his own admission, never made a mistake as president. His feels his opinions are as righteous as the sunrise. And he sees his decisions are ironclad in his view of their brilliance.

In other words, he is mentally incapable of perceiving reality.

And those whom he picks to surround him are enablers. They provide the elixir he drinks day in and day out.

Recently, Rhode Island Senator Sheldon Whitehouse revealed the infinite regress of the Bush legal logic when he requested justification for some of the President's signing statements. What he found was a President who considers himself not only judge and jury when it comes to law, but legislator, law enforcement, defendant, prosecutor, judge and jury. He makes the law. He ignores the law. He changes the law. He defies the law. All at his whim, and all in the kind of strict confidence that no one - no one - except the President himself, can penetrate. It's something akin to divine right, which would make him...king. And the Justice Department's Office of Legal Counsel back s him up.

It's an honor system I'm not comfortable with.

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