Friday, April 4, 2008

McCain's mea culpa

In some ways, John McCain's admission that he voted against the Martin Luther King holiday is more explosive than the Reverend Jeremiah Wright confessing his mistrust of white leadership in America.

But John McCain's admission, in Memphis, at the hotel where MLK was shot, and in front of a highly partisan audience that he had made the vote, and that he was wrong, was nothing, if not courageous.

I don't like McCain. I think he's ill-suited for the job of running this country. I hate his politics.

But we've got to admit that there are few politicians who would have stood where he stood, and said what he said.

What he is saying about race is important. He is saying that we can discover that we are very wrong on an issue, but the first step in correcting it is to admit how wrong we were. Then, it's incumbent of those on the other side of the issue to accept the admission graciously and move the discussion forward from there.

This was not a politically expedient action. There's no way he's going to get large numbers of black voters to cast ballots for him. Try to imagine George Bush doing the same thing, or Hillary Clinton. Impossible to imagine, right.

So, I hope the old man loses desperately in a presidential race against Barack Obama, but I'm willing to pat him on the back for this.

1 comment:

CT Bob said...

I disagree. McCain's words were empty.

If he used the occasion to announce some major initiative that would go towards righting some of his (and his party's) many wrongs, then I'd pat him on his back too. But this simply seems to be him using the occasion for his own ambitions.

If he wasn't campaigning for president this year, he would have kept his mouth shut. He didn't apologize on April 4, 2007, or April 4, 2006, or April 4, 2005, etc.

He's proven how cheap his words are when he voted in favor of torture. If he's willing to turn his back on his most principled stance, he'll sell out anyone and say anything if it'll help him win.

Nah, I don't buy it.