With the tragic Cheshire home invasion it's kind of spooky that our Middletown neighborhood had its own spate of late night home entries recently.
A well-dressed, relatively young man was found very early in the morning in kitchens on Pearl Street and Home Avenue. On Home Avenue, he was smoking a Kool cigarette, and was later apprehended by police on College St. smoking a Kool. He also, apparently, left a crushed Kool butt in the sink of my next door neighbor. He may also have been responsible for several car break-ins throughout the neighborhood over the past three or four nights.
Lock your doors and keep your lights on. (Or in the case of those who don't keep valuables in their cars, keep your doors open so you don't get a smashed windshield.)
Most disturbing is that neighbors in a well-used circle of emails alerted one another to the break-ins, while the Police Department has no means to do the same.
Fortunately no one was hurt, but its time for neighbors and the police to create a simple email network to distribute this kind of information.
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