In reading this story about the triumph of law enforcement over marijuana smugglers, two questions occur to me. How much money was spent on breaking this ring which was smuggling a drug used by a huge, non-addicted, swath of the population? And how much was lost in not being able to tax a billion dollars in pot sales?
1 comment:
Firstly, I wish government "officials" (whomever they are?) would be more realistic and honest in their inventory and value figures. I know they're obligated to inflate the figures for the press, and to further their tax dollar wasting missions, but it is really getting more annoying with every inflated report. 300 lbs per day? I want that job!!
I would think that if the nation had any idea of the $$ they must have spent = wasted on this investigation they would be pretty pissed off. Even fat-mouth Rush might ask WTF? Okay, maybe not.
Secondly, the media goes to a pissed-off ex-spouse, embrolied in a heated custody battle for her children, for her take on this guy? I'm wondering who tipped the media off and led them to this woman -- the investigators?? This couple is legendary in the Dudley/Webster, MA police departments for their domestic issues. Records will show the woman was bonkers...that's how the father ended up with custody of the kids.
Anyway, "billions" is questionable, but lost tax revenue on legalized sales is not. And are we to believe only millions of tax dollars were spent chasing this "billion" dollar operation?
I suppose blind-folded Americans can sleep better now knowing these 'dangerous' criminals, some with extremely worthy professional lives, are off the map for a while. I mean, it's not like there are hundreds of others crossing the borders with weed through the woods and across rivers and such...wink, wink.
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