"I know that some will say that proposing a forum for bipartisan cooperation on the war is, in the current intensely partisan environment in Washington, naïve and impractical. Perhaps they are right. But what is not naïve or impractical is my conclusion that the return of such bipartisanship in the conduct of this war would raise popular support at home, encourage our brave troops in the field, discourage our vicious enemies, and strengthen the resolve of the Iraqi people and the hundreds of millions of others in the Islamic world who want a better way forward than the hatred and death Al Qaeda offers."
In December of 2005, Joe Lieberman made yet another of his noxious speeches supporting the failing policies of George W. Bush. Then, and later during his campaign to be re-elected Senator from Connecticut, and still later after he was elected, he continued to claim his "independent" role as moderator between clashing Senate forces.
Of course, the truth is, Lieberman is quite the opposite. His rhetorical claim as diplomat is belied by his actions.
Last week he went on a Sunday news show and declared that we needed to bomb Iran to put muscle behind our diplomacy.
Later in the week he misquoted Harry Reid and derided him for telling the truth about commanding generals in Iraq.
Yesterday in East Hartford, realizing that people where suddenly paying attention to him as a result of his outrageous take on diplomacy, he repeated his strategy of "war is peace." Incidentally, he repeated his charge that Iran needed to be punished for killing Americans. If we want to begin talking about who's really responsible for American deaths in a war predicated on lies, Creepy Joe may feel uncomfortable with the fingers pointed at him.
Imagine where we would be if all our diplomatic actions had to be preceded by a bombing run.
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