When the honorable Senator Creepy Joe Lieberman speaks, as he did during a morning talk show on WTIC-AM this morning, watch out when he starts a sentence with "look." This verbal tic is a clue that either, he is about to spin, lie or scold. It often is an immediate chatisement of the questioner that, in a word, asks: "How could you ask such a stupid question, but fortunately, I, who have an answer for everything, am here to clear things up,"
So, this morning, he expounded on immigration where he talked about the New Haven ICE raids, and says that in the best possible worlds New Haven would not have proposed issuing special ID cards.
He also talks about threatening Iran, as he has for the past week, bring up the nuclear "smoking gun." He also blames the success of Hamas on Iran.
But listen carefully to his comments about Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's criticism of General's Petraeus and Pace. Reid said the Pace had not been candid in his portrayal of our failures in Iraq and that Pace, in talking about the wonderful soccer stadiums in Iraq, "gives you a feeling that he's not in touch with what is really going on in Iraq or just trying to make the president feel good."
Lieberman trots out the ususal "support the troops" jingoism, saying that he called Pace "incompetent" which reportedly, he did not. He also says: "When you start to attack our top two generals, that's wrong."
No, what's wrong is continuing to support an unconscionable war which was foist upon us by a President who lied to get us there and continues to lie to keep us there.
And what's wrong is suggesting we should expand our "war on terror" by bombing Iran.
Look, Joe, look inside and see if you can find a spark of light in that shriveled soul.
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