Hey Vicevich. We'll stop calling you a teabagger when you stop calling it, "the Democrat Party" and stop calling him "the young president." (By the way, do you take one lump, or two?)
A march on Washington as pure, and white, as the driven snow.
The irrepressible Max Blumenthal with another object lesson.
I wonder if Vicevich would have called McCain "the old president." Ya think?
The scariest part of all the Obama racism (disguised as government protests) is that these paranoid, ignorant - in some cases nearly illiterate - people in Blumenthal's video are American citizens.
Too many of those citizens sound like they're repeating someone else's mantras...and sound a bit like skinhead Neo Nazi Klan members who didn't get past grade school.
WTF is going on back there at home?
Vicevich--whew, he's embarrassing. What about the new fake Southern accent, the really painful double negatives, etc, in some attempt to make himself into a good ole boy.
He's some desperately insecure (and truly unkind) guy, huh?
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