Macbeth's confusion as his kingdom crumbles put's one in mind of a current administration ("It is a tail told by an idiot"). In fact in the current "staging" of Macbeth in a summertime grove at Middlesex Community College by Artfarm, Dic Wheeler, as the porter, makes the reference specific. When someone knocks at the door, Wheeler first suspects it is an incompetent president, and the a criminal vice-president, and then the Immigration and Naturalization Service.

It was a lovely night for a bit of Shakespeare, complete with gallons of stage blood, some trendy camo-clad witches chanting "double, double, toil and trouble," and a pre-death nightmare dance by Lady Macbeth herself.

The large crowd appreciated the imaginative production set under a gorgeous summer sunset. While one might suspect the Macbeth story to be a bit frightful for a summer festival, the power of Shakespeare's universality reminds us that amibition, power, fear and the violence it spawns, are something the human race, tragically, has not grown out of.

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