Simultaneously shameless and shameful, Creepy Joe™ Lieberman, who thumbed his nose at Connecticut Democrats, and all Democrats, including candidate Barack Obama, and who was saved from ignominy by President Barack Obama, has taken the thumb from his nose and jammed it in our collective eyes.
Lieberman has stated that he will join with Republicans in filibustering against the public option.
Which health insurance company's water is he carrying now?
Democratic Town Committee Chairman Dan Russo is Creepy Joe's #1 Middletown supporter.
Sorry, not surprised.
Who better to back-up an 'opt out' bill than the biggest Opt-Outer of all-time in politics?
Anyway, he's old and won't be around forever...or will he???!!
Not surprisingly, Max Baucus leads the way in lifetime campaign contributions from the health care industry with $3.9 million. But guess who's right on his tail with a tidy $3.6?
In today's Courant, Ralph Nader is quoted as calling Lieberman "the nation's leading political hermaphrodite." Not to insult hermaphrodites or anything......
I have never considered Creepy Joe a Democrat. Since his days as Attorney General he's been a Democrat in Republican clothing, a D.I.N.O.(Democrat in Name Only). What a team we have representing our state. One senator in bed with the insurance companies, the other with the banks.
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